Ba Zi & Your Home
Your Home and You
Do you know that each Home has it's own Element?
Once you know your personal element, you can then compare this with the element of your house.
The key to excellent Feng Shui for your home revolves around comparing your Personal element found in your Full report with your home's element. You will get to understand the 5 Elements which will be covered in a later topic.
It is not uncommon for a Feng Shui practioner to ask you to place potted plants in the North (Water element) of the house or to have `warm' coloured curtains in the South (Fire element) to `enhance' that particular location.
If an element comes under the threat of another element e.g. water puts out fire; fire melts metal; metal breaks wood; wood (roots of plants) penetrates the earth; and earth is absorbed water. In this situation, Feng Shui experts will advice you to place a neutralising element to avoid such harmful effects.
Step 1: Locate the threaten or strength influencing an element:-
Step 2: Finding a `cure':-
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