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Fish Tank as Cure

Topic: Fish Tank used as a Feng Shui Cure

Q.1 I have recently started up my aquariums after a three year lay-off and would like to know the suggested number of goldfish to put in a tank. Remember reading something about placing at least one black one in a tank with red goldfish- how many reds? Are there many versions of Feng-Shui, because I have also read that it is not good to raise predatory fish/arowanas-- but I know throughout the Orient this fish is a great symbol of good luck.

I mentioned earlier in some of the replies in the forum that it is common practise of Hong Kong Feng Shui Masters/practitioners to use fish tank as Feng Shui `cures'. What I mean is that between the two : fountains / waterfall, which is considered to bring beneficial Qi to a home. Placed either outside the compound outside the front of the house or in the living room.

Fish tank as a cure. For example if a lone lamp post can be seen from the living room entrance, a Feng Shui practitioner would then suggest that a fish tank be placed `overlooking' the lamp post. Notice that the lone lamp post being thin represents the `Fire' element and the water in the fish tank represents the Water element. Under the 5elements principle (reference: Five Elements) Water DESTROYS Fire. Thus neutralising the `threat'.

In addition to this, black gold fishes are placed in the aquarium. Sometime back, I wrote a short article in this website. (Reference: Fishes). Where best, fishes should be numbering e.g. 5, 6, 8. (9 is still acceptable).

In addition, a fish tank also consists of two elements:-

1. One view is that it is made up of the Water element and Metal element ie. the water in the fish tank is = water element (straight forward) and the other is Metal element e.g. fishes like goldfish or kois (carps) and arowanas (Dragon fish) because it is " gold " and gold is the metal element.

2. Another view is that the water again = water element. But the fishes are of the fire element i.e. gold fishes (red gold fishes) represent the fire element.

3. Black gold fish represents the water element as colours such as black . to grey represents the water element.

In all the above cases, all three " answers " are correct.

Why do I bring this up? It has to do with the five elements `cure'. It's take a different example. For instance if a person's Pillars of Destiny element is `weak water'. The direct cure is to add water element to it. The indirect `cure' is to add metal to his water element. If you cannot follow, I suggest, first look at the Productive and Destructive cycle of the Five Elements.

As black gold fish = water element, it is said to strengthen the Water element. This will be more effective to counter any `Fire threats'. Similarly, adding fishes with the `metal' element also helps to strengthen the Water element. As Metal supports the Water element under the Productive cycle of the 5 elements.

Here, what I am trying to say is that if you are using the fish tank to counter the threat of the `Fire element' then, the Water element would not be strong. However, the good news is that if one is not using the fish tank to neutralise a `threat' by all means get yourself any coloured fishes.

Yes it is not advisable to raise predatory fishes in a fish tank. It is akin to putting up a painting of a hungry animal e.g. tiger . this is bad feng shui for the home. I am pleased to inform you that arowanas are also known as Dragon fish and is also a member of the carp family i.e. kois and are auspicious fish to rear.

Cecil Lee
Center for Feng Shui Research



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