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Ox and Dragon


There is a good deal of tension and need considerable compromise.

Dragon is ambitious, an idealist and pioneering spirit while the ox is slow, stubborn and conservative. This is a clash of two values and for the relationship to work, they may feel the need to change their surroundings often.



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User's Comments
Your services are one of the best I have seen... Cecil Lee Cecil Lee support@geomancy.net - Feng Shui at Geomancy.Net Hello Robert and Cecil,

I would like to offer compliments. you have a great web site offering excellent content. its focused and comprehensive and distinguished in the field.

In the English speaking world, your services are one of the best I have seen.

I understand you are offering a commercial service, concurrently you also make available informative services to a very large audience, which is excellent.

I feel saddened that there are those western modern stylists who claim to practice fengshui. browsing the on-line sites of these con-artists, they are mere fronts for hawking goods at crazy prices.

I am only curious of how to drive these bad elements out, as they are degrading a very well practiced tradition and cultural asset.

Best Regards,
Scott Chen
8 November 2003

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Kappvest Infoserv Pte Ltd,
Cecil Lee & Robert Lee