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I have become acquainted with Feng Shui only very recently and are still overwhelmed with the amount of information available.
From the years of birth, mine and my husband's (male-3, female-5) I found out that my best luo shu numbers are exactly my husbands worst and viceversa, not leaving any number than can be good for both of us. How can this be solved in general?

Thanks for your words of encouragements on the website.

1. It is very common to have partners with `totally opposite' good and bad directions.

2. When you look for a house, compare the layout plan with both partner's 8 house template. What you need to look out for is:-

- Where possible, look out for the `Death / Disaster ' intangible forces. Try not to buy a house with these two intangible forces flowing into the Main door entrance or your bedrooms. For the main door entrance, this is particularly more important for the breadwinner.

- In addition to this, areas where family members spent most time should preferably be under the influence of a good intangible force e.g. Health, Prosperity.

3. In the worst case senario, you can also use the other partner as a `shield'. For example, the partner who's intangible force is spook can sleep `further' away and use the other partner as a shield i.e. he/she sleeps closer to the intangble force.

Cecil Lee
Center for Feng Shui Research
March 1999


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Thanks again for your hard work..... Cecil Lee Cecil Lee support@geomancy.net - Feng Shui at Geomancy.Net

Dear Master Cecil Lee

Congratulations for maintaining and continuously upgrading the Geomancy Net. Kudos to your painstaking, educative and comprehensive efforts in helping millions to take note & understand this science of Feng Shui.......I feel exultant every time I visit your site.

Thanks again for your hard work.
Warm regards
Vijay Kumar
October 2003

Dear Messrs Lee,

I have followed your forum closely not because I am practising fast food feng shui. I noticed that you gave very sound and practical reply to the users here, it have provided a channel for us.

Angeline Tan
4 April 2004

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