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The Oracle (I-Ching)

I-Ching, is one of the oldest and most respected Chinese ancient oracle book. Many people regularly consult the oracle, looking for guidance or inspiration. The fundamental principle is based on the belief is that all activities are the result of interaction between positive, creative, masculine forces and negative, passive femine yin forces.

The I-Ching is composed of 64 hexagrams made up of six broken or solid (unbroken) lines, texts, and commentaries. Yang is represented by the unbroken lines and yin by the broken lines.

The basic symbolic unit is a trigram. The maximum number of trigrams formed by various combinations of three lines, either solid or broken - -, is eight. By combining indidviual trigrams the hexagram is formed the total possible is 64.

The yin force refers to the negative passive weak, and destructive. It is docile and female.

The yang force refers to the positive active, strong, constructive, it is virile and male. together in groups of six lines symbolize all possible situations, forms of change and institutions.

All you need are three coins and the the table below to decode and gain access to a source of profound wisdom as well as fascinating entertainment. The I-Ching text describes these changes and relates them to human affairs.

Step 1: How to start? Take three similar coins, decide one side facing yin and the other yang. For example: Let the `head' be the yang and `tail' be the ying:




= coin




= coin




= coin

Two predictions




= coin

Two predictions

[Coin minted by The Singapore Mint]

Step 2: Throw three coins together, note the facing side. First throw becomes the bottom line. Repeat 6 times. Majority of yang faces: All three yang faces -o- All three yin faces -x- Once you have tossed the coins and arrived at your hexagram, read the text several times and pay special attention to moving lines. They are the essence of the I-Ching.

The I-Ching `Grid' is a combination of both the horizontal and vertical grids forming a total of 64 squares.

To look up the meaning on a particular number on the "java enabled" I-Ching table, point to a particular number e.g. 34. and `hold' it there for a few seconds, you will get to see a box text that says: " Success through Patience ".

This is a short interpretation of I-Ching. There are many I-Ching books available in the market if you want to know the detailed meaning of each these squares. Some I-Ching books also further sub-divide this into different categories e.g. `People', `Places', `Occupations', `Articles', `Food', `Animals', `Plants', `Season', `Weather', `Colour', `Direction' and `Miscellaneous'. 

If your browser does not support JAVA, you only get to see a sample of what an I-Ching `Grid' looks like:

I-Ching Table

The above is a short interpretation of I-Ching (Only if you had enabled `Java').

The above interpretation is sufficient for the casual user of I-Ching.


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